Welcome to Pharm-A-Temp
We were the first independent fee-for-service locum agency in Victoria and, since that time, our organization has built a reputation based on a friendly, efficient and reliable service.
We understand that locum pharmacists must have the communication, pharmacy and people skills to preserve the integrity of your business…
We understand that locum pharmacists must have the communication, pharmacy and people skills to preserve the integrity of your pharmacy business while you take a well deserved break or fill an emergency.
We will always do our very best to satisfy your requirements and we pride ourselves on our communication dependability so you know exactly where you stand in your request for help.
Everyone at Pharm-A-Temp has a thorough understanding of the business of pharmacy so you are in safe, experienced hands in all your dealings with us.
We are dedicated to offering you the best possible service whether you are one of our pharmacists or one of our clients. You can be assured of extremely efficient service and total confidentiality. This is a business owned by a pharmacist and designed for pharmacists and pharmacies.
Day to Day Service
For Pharmacy Employers
We realise how frustrating platform based call centres are so a real person always answers the phone.
Communication is our focus and we will continually update you on the progress of your request.
We liaise between you and the pharmacist to make sure everyone has all the necessary details for every placement.
Placement invoice will be sent at the end of each month. Giving you 14 days to make your payment.
We would really appreciate you booking early, particularly when dates are centred around school holidays.
Our Team
Gai Williams B. Pharm AFAIPM, Director
Therese Winneke, Placement Director
Kym Bircham, Administration Manager
Kym and Therese are a formidable team always working together to provide a fast, reliable service.